
Just swinging the day away…

Elliot LOVES his swing.

He is content to just relax in it while I get meals ready, or straighten the kitchen.

I don’t know exactly why, but there is something comforting about him swinging and talking with me, as I get things done. Soon he’ll reach the weight limit, and the swing will be put up. And then, he’s going to be chasing his big brothers around the kitchen, and getting into mischief…We’ll maybe not immediately afterwords…but it’s coming too quickly!

But for now, I am going to enjoy my last few days of a happy swinging baby, talking to me while I peel the potatoes, or sweep the floor.

I love this little guy, and love to swing the dåy away with him.




Always makes things better, Right?


Happy Birthday Daddy!

I think Gloria Naylor said it best, “Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.”
The older I get, the more grateful I become for my father, and miss the simple times from when I was a child–playing ‘monster’, getting superman rides, and good times like that.
I know my Dad loves me, and would give me the world if he could. And in many ways he has.

Love you dad. Hope your birthday is fantastic.


DOCUMENTING: a regular afternoon

In our lives right now.

I love these shots, they remind me of the creativity, and comfort and happiness and love that these boys bring to my life. Just a normal afternoon. Building with Legos.
Here is Truman wearing his ‘Army of Helaman’ headband from Family Home Evening the night before, that he created, then wore for a about a week,everywhere we went.
I love his little Bare footed feet…
Truman is just now becoming enthralled with Legos, he loves to building something, take it apart, use the same pieces and build something else. I am constantly emptying out lego pieces from his car seat, his pants pockets, and the dryer. He love to build with them.
And Tucker. He’s always loved, Legos, maybe that’s part of the reason why Truman loves them so much. Tucker loves to build this:
It is the same thing he has been building for a few years now. At first they were robots, and now they are rockets, controlled by robots.

Man, I love these boys, and love these afternoons of building and rebuilding with Legos. Who would have thought a perfect afternoon would consist of this? Not me. But now I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


The not so happy faces…

I wish our home was always filled with laughter and love.

But it’s not.

Sometimes I see this face…
or this one.
And sometimes even this one…

But so is life.

I think they’re still cute kiddos, even when they’re not happy.


When did this all happen?

I still feel like I am 16, just graduating from high school, and then I will see a pic with me and these 3 cute things…..
And I think, what? When did this all happen? I am too young at heart to be the mommy of these three darling boys.
But it’s true. I’m an oldie.
I hope I am oldie but a goodie…if not, I am having a good time 🙂
And I trying to be realistic about the fact I have THREE children…and I continue on with life.
But still in the back of my mind, I think, ‘When did this all happen?’


He is Risen!

He is risen! He is risen!
Tell it out with joyful voice.
He has burst his three days’ prison;
Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
Death is conquered; man is free.
Christ has won the victory.

Come with high and holy hymning;
Chant our Lord’s triumphant lay.
Not one darksome cloud is dimming
Yonder glorious morning ray,
Breaking o’er the purple east,
Symbol of our Easter feast.

He is risen! He is risen!
He hath opened heaven’s gate.
We are free from sin’s dark prison,
Risen to a holier state.
And a brighter Easter beam
On our longing eyes shall stream.

Text: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818–1895

May you and your family have a wonderful Easter celebration.


Birthday Dollar

In our Primary, instead of a Birthday Present on our children’s birthday, they give them a dollar with this note:

At first Truman was a little confused, and to be honest, a little upset.
He wanted to buy a powerranger. And was kind of confused why someone would give him money, and then he had to give it all away.
But then we began to think of ideas of what we could do with the money, we made a list.
He got more excited, and made his choice, take it to Chuck E. Cheese on his birthday. And give to someone who doesn’t have any tokens.
After this decision was made, he was really excited!
The night of his birthday came, and off the boys went…after they had been there for a few minutes, Toph noticed a little boy looking around for tokens… under all the machines, and quietly pointed him out to Truman. Toph described him as the little boy without sleeves. Truman ran right up and gave him the money.
Afterwords he told me it felt really good.
Then the following Sunday at Primary, he stood up to tell about his birthday dollar experience, his words: ‘I took money to Chuck E. Cheese. I found a little boy who had no money. He didn’t even have enough money for sleeves. And I gave it to him. And it made me happy.’
( I laughed out loud about the no sleeves part!) It was such good experience, and I am grateful he had the opportunity to give in the way he wanted. And now we have decided to keep that list, and do more of the good deeds listed, on a more regular basis.



More of the Elliot I love (because I love babyness and he doesn’t care how many pictures I take of him!)…
His innocence…
Little feet…
Little hands…
Trying to sit up…
Sweet eyes…
A new trick of Blowing Bubbles…
His baby rolls…
That he is patient when be loved…
And over loved…
What a good little guy.


I really want to have a part time job as,

A teacher appreciation door decorator….
Know anyone who is hiring?