
Just swinging the day away…

Elliot LOVES his swing.

He is content to just relax in it while I get meals ready, or straighten the kitchen.

I don’t know exactly why, but there is something comforting about him swinging and talking with me, as I get things done. Soon he’ll reach the weight limit, and the swing will be put up. And then, he’s going to be chasing his big brothers around the kitchen, and getting into mischief…We’ll maybe not immediately afterwords…but it’s coming too quickly!

But for now, I am going to enjoy my last few days of a happy swinging baby, talking to me while I peel the potatoes, or sweep the floor.

I love this little guy, and love to swing the dåy away with him.

2 replies on “Just swinging the day away…”

We have that same swing and Abe loved it. I can only hope the new little one loves it just as much.

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