Well, it’s finally happening, I am starting to feel like we are settling into life with three children.
We have begun to walk Tucker to school again, (Elliot strapped comfortably in my baby bjorn) Truman running behind Tucker,
And driving to and from Trumans preschool twice a week has become an easier task, with Elliot strapped in his car seat right next to Truman,
Laundry doesn’t seem to be piled quite so high, and meals are appearing on the table, most nights, at a timely manner. Not every single room in the house is dirty at the same time, and this little guys feeding schedule has begun to be regulated.
Hurray for a new normal.
2 replies on “A new routine…”
Ahh, you give me hope that it will get easier! I think I forget every time that the first few months are a little chaotic, beautiful, fun and exciting but chaotic non the less.
I’m such a creature of habbit! I can’t wait for everything in our life to normalize. Thanks for the reminder that as months go, babies get easier.