The boys are getting a little bit of ‘Cabin Fever’. With the RSV virus raging around us, we’re trying to keep on ‘hunkering down’ around our house. In some ways spring can’t get here soon enough, as I am looking forward to extending our play area outside. But for now, we’re trying to keep ourselves busy indoors.
Tucker’s still making Sock Monkeys,
Toph has recently rekindled his love of sketching,
Truman always loves puzzles and has begun trying his hand as stringing wooden beads,
Baking treats that don’t contain chocolate (as Elliot doesn’t tolerate that very well, and sweets are my weakness…)
Building houses for our guys,
Garages for our cars,
And villages, just for the sake of building,
(we love Jenga blocks for building, by the way!)
Workbooks are always a favorite, especially for Truman,
And it’s fun to watch your children do quirky things, Truman loves to eat his valentines candy like this, stacking and organizing them first…
And sweet Elliot has mastered focusing on things, and following them as they move. He found new friends on his swing: fishies and a lion,
As much fun as we’re having, I am anxious to bask in the sun of spring, get my hands in the dirt and garden, and rake up the leaves that have yet to find their way to garbage bags, and let my children ‘run and roam free’ in our yard. But until then, we’ll find more fun things to do.
2 replies on “Can’t get here soon enough…”
I’m so anxious for spring as well! This snow storm is killing me because of how nice it was outside just a few days ago! I think Mother Nature loves to tease.
Matty loves to use Jenga blocks to build garages, too!
Good thing these boys have such a super creative Mom. You are awesome.