Elliot Emily Life

5 weeks and 5 new things….

That I love, love, love about Elliot. (and things that are unique to him,

1. I’ve heard it said before, you can’t really begin to see a baby’s personality/demeanor until they are at least 3 weeks old (when they come out of their newborn phase).
And I must admit, I’ve been holding my breath, because Elliot has been the most LOW KEY baby we’ve had yet.
He is very patient and gives me little cues when he is ready to eat, he sleeps well (especially through noise!), and is just in general, really easy going!

2. He is a really loud baby when it come to grunts and squeaks, and other adorable baby noises (especially when he is sleeping). But doesn’t really cry too much, or isn’t too loud when he is really complaining! One time when he does complain when he has a dirty diaper. (our other two could have cared less about that!)

3. He is also our first child to like/take a Binky. He doesn’t take it often, maybe just once or twice a day for a few minutes, but it is a first! Is this a blessing or a curse? I am not entirely sure yet… Only time will tell!

4. Elliot really enjoys the tub. He loves to just soak in the water, and he totally relaxes spreads out his arms and legs in the warm water, and just sits and relaxes there! He doesn’t even care when he gets his body/hair scrubbed. But he doesn’t like to get out…almost always he cries when he is removed from the warm tub-

5. This week, we had to take him to the doctor, as he might have acid reflux (another first). He was weighed, and the scale showed 10 pounds 10 oz. He has definitely filled out! (love the below picture, it shows his big eyes. He is begining to focus on things, and follow things. So fun!)
