I really can’t believe it’s been over a month since this sweet little one has entered our life!
Parenthood is an amazing thing, and the more I parent, the more I am realizing that it just happens to quick. And so this time around in parenting Elliot, I am trying to take more time to enjoy this newborn phase, because I know from experience it goes by too quick.
And even though I am trying to stop my boys from growing up, it is happening before my eyes. (With that being said, I am not only enjoying my infant,
but also my preschooler,
and kindergartner.)
This past month, has been so magical and wonderful. We have just ‘hunkered down’ at home, getting to know Elliot, trying to keep the germs away, enjoying adjusting to the new baby that has entered our home, and trying to figure out our new family dynamics.
We have really not left our home more than a handful of times with Elliot (for doctors appointments, and necessary things like that) and I love the time I have spent with my older boys. We have had some grand adventures. And they have been SO PATIENT with me and Elliot. I’d forgotten about newborn feeding schedules, diaper changes, and etc. While I have had to be taking care of ‘baby brother’ they have found their own adventures,
and a new found friendship with one another.
They have shocked me with the love and kindness they exhibit.
Of course, it’s not all perfect,they have little fights now and again, they are impatient with me not being able to put all three of them in my lap while I am nursing, or meeting everyone’s need when they want them met, but overall I have been so impressed with them and the way they have transitioned to ‘big brother-hood’.
Hopefully we’ll have many more months of this wonderfulness…
4 replies on “A month already?”
As much as these make me appreciate my boys, they make me fall in love with you so much more- thanks for being a great momma!
I don’t know why for sure but this post made me cry. I guess it is just awesome to see that it is a miracle AGAIN the third time and awesome to watch everyone pull together. You are an awesome MOMMY.
Oh my gosh, Elliot is SO SWEET! I love seeing babies sleep.
He is so gorgeous! What a beautiful family you have.