We took a few pictures before the Ward Soup-Tacular, a fun church event where you bring your muffin tins and a crock pot of your favorite soup, and taste a little bit of lots of peoples! It was so much fun!
TRUMAN (Hercules):
Tucker (Sock Monkey):
Truman’s Preschool Program and carnival
Took this before we left, Love these Hercules Muscles:
Truman was glad Grams was able to come(and so was I, it is always nice to be with my momma):
They always have so many fun games:
The classic Cake Walk:
Blow up toys
Cotton Candy
And of course, buckets and buckets of CANDY!
And honestly, I love the program they put on.
They do the cutest things, you can watch a few clips below!
Tuckers school party and parade
This is how he went to school, with his banana butt hanging out of his bag:
And wanted to take a picture like this, because this is how sock monkeys sit:
I was able to go the class party, what a good teacher Tucker has, and how fun to be in the classroom, we played Bingo, did an art project, Halloween Freeze, and ghost bowling.
Class Photshoot (can you see the girl in the top left corner? Yeah, she’s Rainbow Bright. Wicked Awesome!)
And the classroom parade:
and a great song tucker started singing in the garage, adn I couldn’t get him to sing again later, sorry about the bad quality! 🙂
Visiting the Great Grandparents, Greenes, and Ikey, Belle, and Eleanor
Great Grandpa Greene, look at how handsome he is, and that big smile. I love this man.
And the Great Hunsakers, who we are happy they are almost moved into the Condo, so we’ll get to see them more! While we were there, I noticed Grandma had a plaque, that said, “There’s no place like home, unless it’s Grandma’s.” So True, So True.
On the way home, we picked up Toph, and he took this picture of Tucker, while I was driving. He was trying to scare people. I don’t think sock monkeys are scary, do you?
Trick or treating
More pictures coming later
And yes, the shirt Truman LOVES (and wears practically year round), has been worn now on Halloween, and can finally be put up in the box for when baby brother gets to be a bit bigger.
A great Halloween season again comes to an end!