A question asked by my friend why she hasn’t seen me in a week. And this is why….
(this picture was actually taken a few days before the sprinkling system project, but it does describe how we are all covered by mud perfectly.)
Yeah, we’re covered in Mud. Mud created by the new sprinkler system being installed in our yard. I keep telling myself over and over and over and over again, it will be worth it when it’s done. No more hauling hoses around our yard, but for now, it’s a MESS!!! But really I know it will be wonderful when it’s done, and the yard has recooped.
But I do keep wondering, will anything grow back besides weeds? We are getting closer to being done, thanks to all the help we received from Dad, Ry, Lee, and Neighbors. Sprinkling system installation is hard work! We still have many trenches to fill in, sprinklers to be adjusted so they’re not spraying the house and sidewalk, but slowly but surely, every day it’s getting closer and closer to being done. I will have to post more pictures later of the full process so you can fully appreciate the muddy mess I’m talking about!
So that’s why I haven’t posted in awhile (or you haven’t seen/heard from me), all strength and energy is being directed to the yard, and keeping the mud on the outside of our home, and not inside our home…oh, boys will be boys.
2 replies on “Where have you been?”
Wow, great picture. Hope it all works out soon.
What a fun picture! That is quite the task. Out East where we live no one has sprinkler systems. Rarely you will see a sprinkler head attached to a hose, but that is it.