Well, in case you have been wondering why I can’t keep up with my BLOG, my house is a mess, I seem to leaving the room at the sight/smell/thought of food, I have been gaining weight, have wicked crazy mood swings, don’t leave my house unless I absolutely have to, have been a horrible friend, can fall asleep before you say good night, and just in general seem to be sicker than a dog…it’s because we’re pregnant again!
Yesterday we went into the Doctor and heard the heart beat for the first time. What an amazing sweet sound that is! So it’s official!
Come the end of January we’ll welcome baby number 3, and the boys are thrilled about being a brother again, and Toph and I?
We’ll I can’t speak for Toph, but I will sure be glad to be past sick phase, (hopefully in the next month or two!) and life returns to a somewhat normal state again, so I can really enjoy being Pregnant. But for now, it’s off to go find the saltines….
14 replies on “Our Big News…”
Congratulations congratulations! I am so excited for you and your adorable family!I hope you’re feeling better and that all goes smoothly. Keep us posted!
Yay! So happy for you guys. So Truman was telling us the truth when we were out there! 🙂 I did see a package of Saltines in your car! Love you guys. Hope the pregnancy gets better for you in the 2nd trimester!
Congrats! I wondered if you were, a few post back you mentioned how much you wanted to sleep…. It put my antenae up!
I knew it!! I knew it!! I’ve been suspicious and then at your 1/2 year stats post… I knew it. Yeah that is so exciting. Congratulations and I hope you start feeling better soon.
HURRAY!! I’m so excited for you guys and for me to be aunt of 10 kiddos!! If you need any help ever just call me and i will be right down it would be a good excuse to get out of dates:) Love you!
Congrats! It looks like you are having a crazy, busy, fun summer despite being sick. Hang in there !
I’m super happy for you guys!
WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! We love you guys so much…
Congrats Ems! What a lucky baby to be born into an awesome family. 🙂
YEAH!!! I am so excited. It makes me almost want to give it a cousin the same age… ALMOST 🙂 Not quite enough of a reward, 🙂 … just to clarify I am not pregnant nor am I planning on being any time soon.
Love you guys
Congrats!! How exciting! Jordan and I are so happy for you guys! I know it’s been awhile, but thanks again for having us for dinner. We had so much fun. We’ll have to do it again when you are feeling better:)
Hooray! I’ve been wondering cause you stopped talking about how baby hungry you are:). Anyways, I am very excited for you guys. Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy and excited for you. When I had morning sickness, rootbeer was my lucky charm!! Feel better soon!!!
Congratulations. Hope you get feeling better soon. I miss all your great posts. How fun for you cute little family.