So the month of June has been a crazy for our family….a WICKED CRAZY MONTH! Full of so many fun adventures, that I haven’t even had time to recover enough to post about one before the next one came. So…here is the end of month long summary.
In the past month we have been so many place, and done so many things, that I can’t even begin to recall them all…but here is a list (of the things I CAN REMEMBER)–attached to an apology, This will be a crazy long post… please don’t feel any obligation to read any further than this point. I will never know 🙂
So here is what we’ve done during the month of June, There are no captions on the pictures, they’re out of order, and I’m sorry. Each one of these could be
there own separate post, but there are not enough hours in the day right now for me to accomplish this, and life just keeps on moving, so…
Here we go, drum roll please….. JUNE by the phillips family.
**My Cousin Leslie’s Bridal Shower, (Pictures to come)
**I Chopped my Hair.
**Our Family Went Camping with the Phillips Family
**JoAnna took out her Endowments at the Logan Temple
**Helped Plan and attended Jo’s Bridal Shower
(picture by Lexie) I know you ladies took other pictures of the shower, will you email me some? Thanks…
**JoAnna and Chad’s got married!!
**JoAnna and Chad had a beautiful Reception (Again, I didn’t get any pictures with My Camera, but I’m sure I’ll get some from Cat, Emily and Lexie, please girls? The ones I do have, I stole off Cat’s Facebook Page)
**Mandatory Work Hours
**Brian and Lexie in town at our house, playing with cousins in the tree house is the best thing ever.
**Summer Library Class Started (including a make your own bug contest–more pictures of finished bugs later..)
**Twice a week T-Ball games continue
**Boys Weekly Movie Group
**Weekly Ward Playgroup at Local Playground
**Began our fruit smoothie summer tradition
**Planned, got ready our ward’s Large Enrichment Activity: Summer Salad Social
**Had a Bumper crop of Cherries (and I guess we still do?)
**Celebrated the wonderful men in my life, with Father’s day….
** Of course some bug hunting,
**Plus, just keeping up with Laundry, dishes, cleaning our house, and raising to energetic boys has just exhausted me!!! Although this has been an amazingly wonderful month, we are looking forward to a relaxing month in July, because we have very little planned!
3 replies on “Welcome Back Bloggin World!!”
Man, after just reading your post I feel like I need a nap! You’re one busy family.
Those are some great picts! I know how you feel about the month of June. I haven’t posted anything in forever! I, like you, have about 10 different posts in my head. You should post a better picture of your haircut. From what I could tell, it looks pretty cute, but I would love to see some cut shoots.
How much fun. I was excited to see a new post! Your hair looks adorable! I’m sure you’ll love the short do for summer time. I also really love the picture of Toph wearing the triangle hat and the boys on the little slip n slide.