Emily Life Tucker

Ms. Kylee and Progress Reports…

It’s that time of year again, it’s time to wrap up school. Tucker has begun the wrap up process, and came home with a progress report the other day. I laughed and laughed until I cried when I read some of the things that were written down that he had said, including:
ZOO ANIMALS: Snake, lizards and buffalos (those are the animals I go to see at the zoo…buffalo?)
FARM ANIMALS: Worm, duck, cow ( I love that the first thing he lists is a worm)
I guess it can be said at this house, we don’t think inside the box! After laughing so hard I cried, I then began to really cry when I read this sweet note from his teacher…
Why? although it was sweet words, it was also the realization that my first child is growing up and growing up well. I am proud of the person he is now, and the person he is developing to be. I love him deeply, and I love being his mother….
I am grateful for a teacher who remind me of my love and respect for my children as they grow up out of my sight in her classroom.