Emily Life

Blessings Filling our Home…

With my calling, one of the things that I am learning to Love and Love and Love some more is the Humanitarian Work. My friend Diane and I have been tying quilts together, and have talked many a time about the true blessings of humanitarian work, while we tie these quilts. And I can honestly say that I have always loved humanitarian work, but participated in it in a limited way. Now, I can say this is not true anymore. I feel like a blesses woman to be one of the ‘gathers’ in the ward for donations to our stake humanitarian project, as well as a donor.
As people drop off their projects (whether it’s crocheted booties, or hats, or flannel blankets, or school bags) I am at awe with these women who use their talents to bless the lives of others. As we say around here I have truely caught the ‘humanitarian bug’.
Everytime I look in the corner of my office, (which is currently filled with fleece blankets that need to be serged, but is often full of other humanitarian projects),
I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and peace. I encourage you all to participate in whatever way you can. It doesn’t take much, but knowing that I can better others lives with such a simple thing, is a wondeful thing. I can’t even begin to describe it, so get involved you’ll thank me, I promise!

One reply on “Blessings Filling our Home…”

You are amazing. So how do you get involved with it?? Should I just go to the church web site? I loved all of your recent posts and especially the drawing from Tucker. That is precious. Your kids sound like such a blast… I wish our kids could play together. Maybe someday…

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