Topher Truman

Truman was Tagged

Truman was tagged by his cousin Nora, and again, since you hear my perspective constantly, again, I asked Toph to write this one!
Truman finds joy both in emulating his older brother as well as in being different from him, depending on the day.
He loves Planet Heroes action figures
He loves to run, jump, kick and throw
His little eyes “scream” delight when he is excited about something
Truman is an excellent snuggler.
When I asked Truman who he wanted to tag he said “My Grandmas and Grandpas”. So there you go 🙂

2 replies on “Truman was Tagged”

Since you tagged me here goes:
My favorite color is Blue or Green
I like to fly-fish, but you knew that
I have been bitten by two different camels
My favorite flavor of Ice Cream is Pralines and Cream
I love it when you come to see me.

Hey Truman-
Owen thinks your skate board is awesome.
Love you-
Owen & Emily

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