
7 Years Ago Today….

We began an adventure, that has been one of the best I have ever experienced!
Here are 7 facts about Christopher that I didn’t know about him 7 years ago.
1- Christophers favorite music to really sing and “belt out” is Church Music. He claims that it is because he knows all the words, but if you ever hear him singing, you’ll know that sometimes he can be a little creative in the lyrics section.
2-One of his favorite foods, that we still talk about often, is Italian Yogurt Gellato, who would have ever thunk it?
3-That being a father is one of his many talents, and something that just comes naturally to him. I have rarely seen him not know how to handle a situation, and if any thing, he is better at just laughing about it, and seeing the reality and humor in our children!
4-That he is okay not having a daughter named Madaline.
5-That his job and skill set for work will constantly be “in demand”, providing us with job security, as well as many moves. (Can you say 9 times in 7 years? CRAZY)
6- Speaking of talent, he was a “Grand Champion Pig Show-man”…now that is real talent! (he claims his pig was in a good mood that day, but we all know that daily walking your pig, does wonders for your “pig to human relationship”)
7- The last 7 years, have never had a dull moment, and Christophers’ Spontaneity, Thoughtfulness, and Creativity, always keep me on my toes, and I can’t wait to see what the next 7 years hold!
Happy Anniversary Hubba!

6 replies on “7 Years Ago Today….”

“One” of the best adventures you’ve ever experienced =) Just kidding- love you lots and lots hubba- Happy Anniversary!

It was great to catch up on you guys! We miss you all SO, SO much!! Happy Anniversary! We had great intentions of sending out Valentine’s to the boys but Sophie’s still feeling sick and we didn’t end up doing a lot yesterday. Anyway, we love you all! Lexie

Has it been 7 years already? Seems like last week you told all the roommates you were engaged! Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? 🙂

Congrats on seven years! I remember it like it was yesterday… I swear that I cried all day when you told me you were getting married and then again when you told me how soon and that you were moving out. I’m so glad that you found Toph and that he is so perfect for you.

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