Tucker woke us up on Christmas Morning, he came upstairs, and climbed in bed with us, when he came upstairs, he was fully dressed, and at first, he just sat there, cuddling in bed with us.
Then he began to chat, he said: “Mom, Dad, I don’t think Santa Came. There are no presents under the tree”
It is then that we realized, he had gone to the upstairs tree, instead of the downstairs tree, where Santa had left the presents…
When we explained this to him, he was out of bed, and racing down the stairs.
We woke up Truman, telling him it was Christmas Morning, to which he replied, “Did the Reindeers come?”
The boys had a great time unwrapping their presents, and emptying their stockings, sometimes Santa can grant wishes.
Truman asked for Lightening Mcqueen and Candy:
Tucker asked for A Machine (Rocktumbler) and a Robot:
What fun to see the magic on Christmas Morning:
The boys saying Merry Christmas!:
One of the reasons I love Christmas day so much, is because it marks the anniversary of the official day Christopher proposed to me on the Old Riverdale Bridge. lt will forever be a special day because of that, regardless of all of the other fun and magic and sacredness that occur on this day.Oh how our family has changed and grown immensely over the past few years, Christmas Morning is so much funner when there are children to enjoy and share it with…