So for awhile, potty training was going fabulously, with the Truester…
We were down to one accident a day (on Weekdays), and being clean and dry the rest of the day. And I was quite happy about that. (On the Weekends, with the change of schedule, was a little more difficult to stay clean)
That was until Halloween came, and with it a MOTHER-LOAD of Candy. Since then Truman has stopped wanting to wear underwear, and just wanted to eat that candy all day long. He asks about it numerous times a day.
So, today, he came up with a good scheme.
Let me preface this scheme with these facts:
–One way he earns a treat, is by staying clean and dry.
–Pull-ups have little figures on the front that disappear as the diapers get soiled.
After quiet time today, Tru came upstairs, and said, “look mom I put on 2 pull ups, and I am clean and dry!”
Sure enough he “looked” like he was clean and dry, but the odor coming from the bottom pull up told the truth.
Tricky, Tricky Truman!
4 replies on “Double Diaper Duty”
Genius Truman. Did you still get a treat for all the thought & effort?
You’d better watch out for this one when he gets older. I can see it now. “See mom? I didn’t dent the car and cover it with putty…it’s supposed to look like that!”
How funny!! I can just see his little mind at work trying to figure out how to get a treat! What a smartie.
Jensa, I haven’t laughted so hard in a while. Putty on Car? Do you speak from experience?
ha! ha!