Due to the fact my computer is having a melt down,and is choosing to freeze, not open my applications, and etc.
I am forcing myself to take a break from blogging. This is why there have been no posts in the last week, and will be no post until our little apple decides to function properly. 🙂
If not I would spend countless hours trying to make ONE post. So, when I come back be prepared for an onslaught of posts 🙂
Month: November 2007
At Church today, the boys were hilarious.
First, Tucker Said: I need to get me a CTR Ring.
Toph: I bet we could find one for you this week.
Tuck: I’ve been doing pretty good anyways though.
The speaker in church was talking about prayers, and Truman was sitting on my lap, eating snacks. I wouldn’t have even thought he was listening. But suddenly he exclaimed: Yea! We do Pray! and we do family home evening. Yay!
They said some other funny things today, but I can’t remember them. I need to do better at writing these things down!
Here are the Latest in The Robot Obsession:
Found this video on YouTube, Tucker SOOO wants to make one of these bean bots:
So much so, that walks around talking about transistors, and light sensors….(he doesn’t have a clue what they are or what they do, just that they are part of these bots.)
He cut up a Dell Christmas Magazine, and made this robot out of electronic/computer pieces (notice the colors-pink and black, and the face is made of a pair of headphones turned upside down. The arms pink controllers, and computer screens. The legs a tripod, all I can say is: Classic.)–
And another few fun robot movies, again from You Tube, that my boys love:
School Pictures…
Ever Wonder…
Through Prayers, I think you can see into the souls of other people.
Yesterday my sweet Tucker said these words during our dinner prayer…
“Heavenly Father, I was wondering…..(short pause)
Why are we here? and What are we made of?
I was just wondering.”
That four year old mind, is always working isn’t it?
Quote of the Day…
Like 4 times yesterday, Truman said this, SO seriously.
“Mom, this is making me have an appetite.”
He doesn’t even know what appetite means! I was laughing so hard, because I would ask him if he wanted a snack, right after he would say that, and he would say, No.
But he was talking so big, and I think it made him feel big to say a grownup word like “Appetite”.