Truman Tucker

Another Power Ranger in the family….

Uncle Dallin Paul has an incredible influence on his nephews. Dallin has a passion for power rangers, that is because he is the red ranger. Tucker and Truman both look up to Dallin. That is why for the past 3 years for Halloween and anytime we play dress ups, Tucker chooses to be the Red Ranger. Now I would like to introduce the newest member of the Red Ranger Brigade…
Truman Red Ranger Phillips.


The funniest part about all of this to me is that Tucker and Truman don’t watch the Power Rangers, they just know the concept that they are superheroes. But it so interesting to watch them when they put on these costumes, and transform into universe saving little boys.
Our home will always be safe with them around.

Truman Tucker

Markers anyone?

My kids love makers, I don’t know what it is about them. I love that my kids love them, and for some reason, I love markers too… There is nothing like opening up a fresh new box of markers.
The other day my kids went from one marker activity to another. They literally spend the entire afternoon with a marker in their hands, Coloring in coloring books, drawing robots, to coloring a box (home) for their stuffed animals, and so when it came time for dinner, naturally, while I was cooking, they choose to use their dry erase marker books. When I looked over at them, they looked so cute COVERED in markers that I had to take a picture. (You can’t really see in the pictures, but they have markers all over their faces…)

Topher Truman Tucker

Garden Fresh…

Nothing is more delicious than things grown in your own garden. Look at this tomato harvest. Yum, yum.
Marv n’ Joes anyone?

Truman Tucker

Leisurely Sunday Afternoon

Sunday is such a fun day….I love when it works out so we relax and play together as a family. Tucker got out the Legos and Truman found the puzzles.
Now that our church starts in the early AM, I have a feeling, there will be more of these afternoons!

Truman Tucker

Another use for vacuum (a much better one, I might add…)

I pulled the vacuum out a few days ago, and I just didn’t get to it. After it sat out all day, that night, it got turned into a rocket…

Emily Topher Truman Tucker

News and Weather Binder: The Fair

At Tucks school, they pass around a binder. The News and Weather Binder, is an opportunity for the children to act as “reporters” and to report about things they see as news. Well Tucker says he is a “Lucky Ducky”, because he got to bring the Binder Home.

Here is what he dictated to me, the news:
“On Monday we went to the fair and we saw a robot named Seamore. We saw a giant dog, we saw horses, pigs, sheep, cows and goats. We went down a giant yellow slide, I got lots of ice-cream, and I got to meet the Dairy Princess. We saw a bus ride that went up and down. I had lots and lots and lots of fun.”
What a great summary, here are a few pics from the fair..(Unfortunately the camera battery went dead, before we got more pics with the kids and REAL animals.)
Gathering Eggs:
With the sheep…
Planting Seeds:
Future FFA Tucker…(I thought it looked more like Harry Potter, but whatever…)
Feeding the Fake Cow…
Milking the Cows:
After gathering the food, they were off to the market… (I would TOTALLY buy fresh produce from kids who looked crazy like this… 🙂 )
How many Horse Tall Are YOU?
Bailing the Hay, and taking the Tractors for a spin:
Seamore a real life, talking Robot….Tucker was in Heaven.
Tucker saw his shadow, and was making it into fun shapes, including a T:
They had stuff for sale in booths all over, and Tucker saw big fleece blankets, basically a HUGE THESEY:
It was a fun night, we met up with the Greene Crew, and we loved seeing all the animals, and the big yellow slide.

Truman Tucker

The end of Summer..

I know summer is over. We ate the last of the popsicles out of the freezer this morning.
Fall is Here, and I can’t wait to get dressed in cosy sweaters, and for the boys to play in our BILLIONS of leaves in our back yard.


145 Pictures

So, the other day, Tucker really wanted to borrow the camera.
I now have about 145 Pictures of this:
and This:
And This:

Thanks goodness it is a digital camera.

Emily Truman

Just some Silly Tru Time

Now with Tucker at School, Tru and I get to hang out just the two of us, while he is gone and I LOVE it. Don’t get me wrong, I MISS my Sweet Tucker, but I love being able to just play just one on one with Truey.
It was fun to be silly, and be able to focus on only one handsome child at a time.
I find myself already looking forward to our mornings together. And now since Tru won’t go to sleep until Tuck is home from school, Tru can nap, and Tuck and I are going to be able to spend more one on ones together in the afternoon.
I am one lucky mama.


A new Doo…

I went and got my hair cut and I love my new hair doo….
It is good to really take time to feel like a woman every once in a while!
(unfortunately, this is the best picture out of all the ones I took of myself.I must be pretty confident in my self to post a picture like this, because I Know I look kind of creepy looking over my glasses like that!)