At Tucks school, they pass around a binder. The News and Weather Binder, is an opportunity for the children to act as “reporters” and to report about things they see as news. Well Tucker says he is a “Lucky Ducky”, because he got to bring the Binder Home.
Here is what he dictated to me, the news:
“On Monday we went to the fair and we saw a robot named Seamore. We saw a giant dog, we saw horses, pigs, sheep, cows and goats. We went down a giant yellow slide, I got lots of ice-cream, and I got to meet the Dairy Princess. We saw a bus ride that went up and down. I had lots and lots and lots of fun.”
What a great summary, here are a few pics from the fair..(Unfortunately the camera battery went dead, before we got more pics with the kids and REAL animals.)
Gathering Eggs:
With the sheep…
Planting Seeds:
Future FFA Tucker…(I thought it looked more like Harry Potter, but whatever…)
Feeding the Fake Cow…
Milking the Cows:
After gathering the food, they were off to the market… (I would TOTALLY buy fresh produce from kids who looked crazy like this… 🙂 )
How many Horse Tall Are YOU?
Bailing the Hay, and taking the Tractors for a spin:
Seamore a real life, talking Robot….Tucker was in Heaven.
Tucker saw his shadow, and was making it into fun shapes, including a T:
They had stuff for sale in booths all over, and Tucker saw big fleece blankets, basically a HUGE THESEY:
It was a fun night, we met up with the Greene Crew, and we loved seeing all the animals, and the big yellow slide.