Life Topher Truman Tucker

The Sand Man Made a Visit to our Tree House…

Unfortunately, there is no pictures today, as we are awaiting our cameras return to the state of Utah, but we have made significant progress in the tree house process.
Yesterday 15 tons of sand was dumped on our driveway, and we made all preparations to move the load. We finished digging out the sandbox area, lined it with the weed blocker, stapled it down, and the sand moving process began.
Thanks to some willing and incredibly helpful neighbors, we have moved well over half of the sand, and we are going to get some more moved today. The load was dumped at 5:00 and we worked until we couldn’t see any more. The boys mostly just played in the huge sandpile in the front yard, and Tuck was shocked to see his sandbox in the back at the end of the night. I don’t know where he thought we were hauling, it but, it was fun to see the boys diving in the sand, and just giggling with delight!
The boys had so much fun playing in it yesterday. Toph said, think of how much time they are going to spend in that sandbox, and I added think of the memories that are going to be made there.
I can’t wait to get our camera back in a few days, so you can see the incredible transformation that has taken place!