
Building a Jet

A few weeks ago, Toph found some Legos at a garage sale. The set came with a book about how to put the Legos together into different things, we didn’t think that all of the Legos would be there. But Tucker really wanted to build it, so we began at FHE a few weeks ago, and surprisingly enough, most of the pieces were there.
So a few hours later, we had ourselves a jet.Toph and I were surprised how much fun it was to build. Toph did most of the building, and Tucker and I were in charge of finding the pieces (Truman didn’t nap that day, so went to bed after the project had just begun) Tucker has played with the jet alot. He keeps it up on a shelf in his room so it will stay safe, and as soon as a piece falls off he brings it to me, so the jet is staying relatively in good shape.
It is so fun to be part of our childrens lives, and watch them grow and mature.