
Tree Houses

Tucker Tree House Picture
Tucker has found a series of books that he loves. It is the Magic Tree House Series. It is the adventures of Jack and Annie, brother and sister who find a magic treehouse in the woods by their house. With in the treehouse there is tons and tons of books. The magic appears when Jack and Annie open a book and say, “I wish we could go here”, they are magically transported to the picture in the book, where adventures await for them.
The books are educational, have a great plot, and are fun to read aloud. Tucker thoroughly enjoys them. We have read almost the whole series, I think we are on #21. Whatever we read about, form Tuckers Free Play during the week. If we have read about a pirate adventure, Tucker is out looking for buried treasured. It is fun, to see him love books so much.
Recently Tucker overheard Toph and I talking about our summer plans, which include building a treehouse for the boys sand/gravel pit. Tucker has thought and talked often since then, and has big plans, like placing leaves and grass on the floor so he can sleep with the bugs. He left this picture on Tophs Pillow (he asked me to write the words). In case you can’t read the words they say: Dear Daddy, this is how I want my tree house, Love Tuck
I just hope Tucker knows that he will not be traveling to far off destinations–Although, he does have a pretty great imagination!

One reply on “Tree Houses”

Emily Ann-
I just wanted to tell you I love you! I just looked at your amazing blog and I love it. So many good stories of four people I love. I wish you the best of luck in all the stories to come. Love you much

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