Emily Life Topher Truman Tucker

Did I forget?

-About Pete and how long he lived, and everything that goes with him…
-How bad I hate the smell of fish?
-And how looking at a dirty fish tank gives me the chills?
-How for some reason, in a child’s mind, putting fish flakes in the tank is the greatest thing ever, and gets requested at least 15 times a day by each child?
Did I forget:
-How having a pet makes children feel responsible and happy?
-About the smiles that come from fish that swim around, and do ‘tricks’ like swimming through the tunnel?
-How calmly and quietly kids can sit by a fish tank and just watch?
-The joy of pets?

Yes I did. For better or for worse. 🙂
Introducing Pete (Trumans new fish) He likes to hid under the filter and behind the shell, making it hard to get pics:
And Water (Tuckers fish):
I am choosing now not to forget these happy faces:

3 replies on “Did I forget?”

Here let it be known the husband of the mother who decided to get fish for her children had absolutely no involvement in the making of said decision and is hereby absolved from any fish tank cleaning duties =)

Justin asked me the other day if I wanted to get a pet. I quickly said we could if I wouldn’t have to take care of it (I feel the same way about plants). We won’t be pets anytime soon.

Anyway, remember our fun fishin college? Remember how we started at them forever? Remeber how Time ate one of our gold fish cause we had to do something with them at Christmas? Gross…you better not tell Tucker and Tru about the story.

That bottom picture is priceless. Ken and I have a beta…no work, no effort, but no fun either!

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