
Just Might be time to retire the pink tub…

Since the poor girl can barely fit in there! ( I hadn’t even noticed, until Toph pointed it out!)

The girl does love herself a good tub! (Maybe she gets that from me! 🙂 )

And on a side note…
Someone doesn’t like others being the center of pictures, here he is saying ‘take a picture of Elliot!’

And, he may have repeated ‘i got my duckies, put me in the chub (tub)’, over and over and over and over.

3 replies on “Just Might be time to retire the pink tub…”

I can not believe she is that big now. Wow, where have the months gone? I love the things Elliott comes up with. He is so cute.

This cracked me up! We actually had a pink tub, sink, and toilet in our first house we lived in (that was my great grandma’s house). Needless to say, it was not Steve’s favorite room of the house! 🙂

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