Opening Christmas Outfits
A Greene tradition, the first present of Christmas Eve to open, the Christmas Outfits!
The night was spent with the Greene’s, and it was a fun night.
Lorelei got to meet both set of great grandparents for the first time,
There was lots of cooing over sweet baby Zane…
And hanging out with Cousins.
Watching Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer
A little guitar hero
Yummy food ( I was too busy eating to take pics of the food!)
Exchanging of Presents
(Elliot was so excited about this little tikes car, that when Toph pulled it out of the package, he sat in the cab, with out the wheels, and got upset anytime he couldn’t be in or near the car…throughout the construction of the vehicle..Thankfully Uncle Ryan and Toph were on the job!)
Pictures with the Great Greene’s
My siblings
And with the Smiths
And the kids
We broke away from the Greene party for a few minutes to video chat and exchange presents with the phillips
By the end of the night, we all felt like this…
With the kids in their jammies, we were off in the car to hurry home to bed, before Santa made his appearance!
The older I get, the more I realize how much work goes into parties like these. Thanks to my parents, aunt and uncle, cousins and siblings for such a wonderful night.