We’re still waiting for baby girl, and my Doctor informed me, that I am the first on his list December 1st to be induced if she hasn’t made her appearance yet– If we’re going to be induced, first in line is a good place to be 🙂
We’re trying to make sure that we stay ready (which is harder than you’d think! 🙂 ), in case she does come on her own, keeping up on homework/school assignments/life/house and etc.
(Here are the trading post signs Tucker made–explaining his homemade flower clips and crayons he made…He sold over 20 of each, so apparently he’s rich with classroom dollars 🙂 )
But also trying to enjoy our life before a newborn comes.We’ve been fishing/chasing ducks (In case you were wondering, they still haven’t caught a fish)
One of our children, I mean The Breakfast Elf made a visit by our house, and when Truman, Elliot and I got to the kitchen we were all surprised to see cereal, milk, water and our vitamins all ready for us that morning. What a sweet surprise.
We enjoyed a basketball game cheering on the Aggies at the local Stadium. The night was very enjoyable, besides the fact we lost 🙂
Truman is reading, reading, reading up a storm!
Truman Reads from Christopher Phillips on Vimeo.
Tucker earned a BUG lunch with the principal…
And Elliot is Elliot (he loves to watch himself and make movies of himself)..such a cutie.
Silly Elliot. from Christopher Phillips on Vimeo.
So we’re staying busy, and life really is good.
2 replies on “Living moment to moment….”
Austin told me about the Bug Buck Store! Good for Tucker. That is so neat!
I do so love your kids!!!