Sick Husband, Sick Kids, broken camera…
Not a whole lot of blogging going on around here right now.
A perfect time to take a little break.
I still have pics I took before the camera broke (And some from other people’s cameras), I’ll be back in a little be to share them, but until then, we’re getting ready for halloween! Take a look at this (You might have to come to our website to see it!):
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4 replies on “Hmm….”
Oh you guys! That’s hilarious! I love it! It made me laugh! I might have to try it out with a picture of Nate–that’s the only way I’m going to see him in a costume this year! How are you all doing? Your boys are so handsome and cute! I can’t believe how fast they grow! Take care!
That’s awesome. Toph looks pretty good as Dracula! Love it!
Wow Em. I didn’t know you could shimmy like that.
Dear Tucker and Truman,
We like your video. We have watched it twice. It is awesome. We liked all your costumes.
Sophie and Nora