That can only be learned by a first grader:
*Even though you think monsters don’t exist. They do. They live under your bed, and they do come out at night, ONLY when you are sleeping.
But not only this, but when you’re sleeping, you MUST sleep with Vacuums close to keeps the monsters away,
because Monsters hate to clean*
This month, Tucker also had his first cavity, he actually had two of them. And he wasn’t upset about having them, but he was upset because:
*The tooth fairy doesn’t pay as much money for teeth with cavities in them*
He’s also learned that, *School lunch is the best, and you should drink chocolate milk every day.* Tucker brought this piece of milk carton home in his pocket the other day,
and gave it to Toph, it’s snake eyes (Toph had one of these guys growing up, and has told Tucker about him). He tore it apart by himself and everything.
Can’t wait to see what knowledge the rest of the year brings