Growing up, we always treasured the weeks during the summer that we got to spend together with our cousins (Our parents always told us they were our cousins, but then we grew up and learned they aren’t really our cousins? They’re are distantly our cousins, I think?) the Donvitos.
It seemed as a child, that summer was not complete with out them coming to see us, or us meeting up with them at a beach somewhere. As we’ve gotten older, and all of us have spread out more, we don’t get together very often anymore, but we were fortunate to get together with Debbie and Craig, while they were out visiting us.
We went to a fun park for a picnic (Where I left my camera in the car) and then to an ice-cream parlor to eat and play games.
I told Craig that it blows my mind to watch him. He reminds me so much of his brother Chad, when he was the same age. He talks with the same emphasis on words, and even walks the same! It was seriously mind blowing!
As for the rest of the Donvito clan, we missed you and hope you are well!
And now that we’ve had a visit from the Donvitos, I truthfully can say that the little girl in me feels that our summer is now complete.