
“More than Meets the Eye”

Tucker has a new obsession. It is not just robots any more. It is..
“Transformers, more than meets the eye, Transformers, Robots in Disguise”
My good friend Michelle lent us some DVDs of the Old School Transformer Cartoons from when I was growing up. TUCKER LOVES THEM.
Everyday he saves his TV time to watch these DVD’s. He just sits in front of them all bug eyed and I cannot get his attention during a 20 minute episode. He doesn’t move, and hardly blinks, he is so intent on catching everything that happens.
He now wants to color only Transformer pictures, builds transforming robots out of his Legos and pretends that he is helping “Bumblebee” (one of good guy transformers that looks like a yellow Volkswagen beetle.)
Tucker still loves Robots, and I think that this obsession will last a while–I can see how a 4 year old boy can just loose himself in that fun world of things not being as they appear.
Thanks Again Michelle!