Patrick has a shirt that he wears occasionally that says, “I’d rather be in Arizona” I believe that it was his Grandpa Nelsons Shirt, and every time he wore it, I use to think what is so great in Arizona, that you would rather be there?!?!
But now I know, and understand.
A few weekends ago was the Nelson Family Reunion, at Mama’s Ranch right outside Flagstaff, Arizona.
We had a fabulous time there, as well as driving there and back (The boys swam at both hotels, I think next time we go on vacation, we will go on vacation to the pool. This is something they enjoy immensely.).
It was a fun vacation, we enjoyed getting to know the Nelsons better, as well as spending more time together as a family…
Here are a few shots.
Phillips Chillin’ on the Couch:
Going for Dune Buggy rides with Grandma:
The Nelsons have some great Frisbee players, they played a few games of Ultimate while we were there. Here is a not good pic of Toph playing frisbee:
Patrick and Tuck Snacking:
The Sisters during their dance:
On the cabin porch (wearing the shirt Toph designed…aren’t they cute?)
Truman playing Tee-Ball, on the porch:
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There was also a Petting Zoo, Toph took the boys with his Cousin Dean and his daughter Emma:
On Santas Sleigh:
Now these animals were hungry, and not afraid of humans…. As you will see…
Dean feeding the deer:
Tucker feeding the deer:
Truman staring to feed the deer:
They got closer:
And Closer(as you can tell Truman was laughing his head off):
Thanks Cousin Dean:
There were other animals there, Tuck liked this goat:
and this goat:
After seeing this much fun, wouldn’t you Rather be in Arizona?
One reply on ““I’d rather be in Arizona””
[…] Thanks to Grandma and Cat for bringing it back to us, from Arizona (another reason, “I would rather be in Arizona”) And of course an even bigger thanks to the LeSueurs, I wish we could grow some of those in our […]