
Notes from School…

Every day when the kids come home from school, I love to go through their backpacks with them. Here is why…

Tucker is not the type of person who openly gives out information. But when their are ‘clues’ of what he did during the day, it helps me ask the right questions. When the right questions are asked, he just ‘spews’ information about school. But it’s all about asking the right questions.

Truman loves to tell me about the kids in his class, and informs me everyday after school, who had to sit in the thinking chair. Truman has yet to have to sit there, but I’ve hear all about Max and Gabe. Apparently, they are there often. But while going through Trumans paperwork he will share things that he likes and dislikes. He tells me the numbers/letters/colors he sees. The techniques he used to make his artwork, and it is just fun to see him learn and love knowledge.

Lately, I have found a few notes that make me happy. These came home around Valentines,
Love is…. Jesus. (sweet or what?)

He’s been leaving sweet notes like these around the house lately. So fun to see his little writing.

And this is his letters/sounds/sightwords he’s been working to pass off since the beginning of the school year! He was so excited to bring this paper home! He got stuck on a few words: what, will, and come. We’ve been trying to practice them at home, and it paid off. The smile on his face when he brought this home, was priceless.

By doing this now, I am hoping to set a tradition of coming home from school and talking to me about their day, because I love hearing the things they learned and the exciting moments of their days, and hope it will continue, even into those moody teenage years.

One reply on “Notes from School…”

That is so great. I remember coming home from school and eating a snack everday while talking to my Mom. I hope my kids can have the same experience. So I know this is off topic… but did Tucker do full day Kindergarten or half day? I have to register Lizzy in a few weeks and I’m leaning toward 1/2 day but wonder if you have any thoughts on the matter.

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