
4 Spot…

Cat tagged me FOREVER ago, like I think in August, and I’m just now getting to it. Sorry Cat.

4 Jobs I’ve held
1. Momma/Wife/Homemaker/Cook/Chauffeur/Maid
2. Transcriptionist
3. Massachusetts Educational Finance Authority (MEFA) College Savings Plan Advisor
4. Study Abroad Office

4 Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Home videos of my boys
The other two are my boys favorites, that I do watch over and over, not because I can, but because they can 🙂
3. Planet Heroes, Ace in Space.
4. Robots with Rodney Copperbottom.

4 Places I Have Lived
1. PG, UT
2. Quincy, MA
3. Providence/Logan, UT
4. SLC, UT

4 T.V. Shows I Enjoy
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Eli Stone
3. Pushing Dasies
4. Chuck

4 Places I have Been on Vacation
1. Cal-i-for-nia
2. Europe: Italy, France and Albania
3. New York City
4. the Bahamas

4 Favorite Foods
1. Cheese, (Surprising I know)
And besides that, being pregnant, there are not a whole lot of other foods I can eat over and over and over again….. 🙁 But normally… I love

1. Cheese
2. Spinach
3. Cherry Tomatoes
4. Chocolate

4 Websites I visit (pretty much daily)
1. Gmail
2. Google Reader
3. My Blog
4. my Work Website.

4 Places I Want to Visit
1. Back to Europe FOR SURE! I can just taste the Gelatto now.
2. OR Some place with a warm beautiful beach,
3. With my husband and Children,
4. And Room Service to feed us all!

Now I’m supposed to pick 4 other blog buddies to do this!
You’re supposed to copy this and tag 4 other people (Cathrine already tagged all of the sisters and I’m afraid I don’t know who else really looks at my BLOG, so whoever wants to do it, please do 🙂

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