I have loved the tradition of Mom and Me with my kiddos. I was very excited to do this class with Lorelei…here is the kick off celebration! Elliot was invited to attend too. 🙂 We had a great time!
Elliot wanted his picture taken too:
Lorelei was thrilled that it was finally her turn to take school pictures! She insisted on having her pink pencil case (Her backpack) with her in the pictures, and her pet lion.
We melted a witch by throwing sponges at her
worked hard on the obstacle course
Lorelei especially loved the climbing part
She also loved the lollipop garden.
we found the treasure at the end of the rainbow, and loved digging in the shredded paper.
Elliot was super speedy on the push trikes. All pictures I have of him are blurry! 🙂
Running around the blow ups!
It was a fantastic way to start off the year of mom and me, Lorelei loved seeing the building and becoming more familiar with her teachers. The Rec Center never fails at making things fantastic.