It looks cool, but it didn’t quite work out for us–Not our best meal! But sure looked pretty! 🙂
Busy morning of playing outside and scootering around
Let the card stacking begin! One of our favorite camping pastimes-
While that’s going on, someone has to take care of the babies, right?
Then afternoon hike was in order….
Stopping along the way for a few more geocaches:
As the Terrain changed, this is how Belle rode in the backpack. Lorelei was worried about her getting air 🙂
About here, Lorelei and I decided it was a little much for her, and headed back to the beach and playground. The big boys continued their adventure with dad, and from the pictures, it looks like they had a great time!
Nothing like a cha-cha line after lunch-
Then back to the rocky beach we headed:
We met this cute, cute frog, along the way:
Highlight of the night for me, was Banana Boats!
The boys and Toph on the other hand, enjoyed a nice game or two, of Dominion.