We spent the morning at the Anasazi Heritage Center: (the big boys received some booklets when we got there, and they worked SO hard on them-so they could earn a badge, and JoAnna was the Master little Kid Wrangler while I was helping the big boys answer their MANY questions in their booklets! Thanks again Jo!)
Don’t be fooled by this cute pic, those little girls were snuggled for just a moment, and then Lorelei was all over the place!

Love these pic of the boys with Cora Jo:

Grinding Corn:

There were some beautiful exhibits, and lots of it was hands on:

Tucker with his big booklet:

Truman with the microscope:

Cute Cousins

Do you think they could fit in? 🙂

I loved seeing these artifacts:

Look at how adorable Lucy is! This picture makes me want to squeeze her!

I’m not sure what these cute girls are up to here, but they are cute!

The awarding of their pins was serious business, and taken very seriously (they even had to take an oath 🙂 to be respectful of the dunes)

Here they are with their pins: (Never mind the drama about who should have received which pins, JoAnna graciously shared her pin!)

And then to the picnic area for some yummy lunch!

Hiking to the anasazi home (I can’t remember what it was called…this is why I should type post sooner than a month! 🙂 ) It was fun to have just spent the morning learning about them, and then doing the little hike. It was a perfect length for the littles.

Lorelei was tired after the hike, and while she slept, Jo graciously watched her and Elliot, while Tucker and Truman and I went swimming again!

After napping and swimming we made a quick stop for TUCKER: 🙂

And then to another park:

Truman was missing Toph this day, and I thought he was just being silly, because we forgot the soccer ball…It was pretty cute to see Tuck go out there and try to cheer him up. He was happy to know the next day we would see our dad!

That night after everything was packed, I went into my room to move Elliot off my bed, when I saw this:

Elliot had twisted himself up in the blankets and rolled off the bed, without waking up…:)
Thank you again Chad and Jo for hosting my crazy self and kiddos, and being so gracious, kind and patient with us! We had a BLAST! Can’t wait to come see you again, this time with Toph! 🙂