Preschool has been WONDERFUL for Elliot. We have a fantastic teacher, and she plans activities that Elliot loves, that are also educational.
One week they talked about Kindoms, and castles, and Elliot loved being a king.
On a complete side note, Elliot has decided that Suspenders are his fashion accessory of choice, (which is not a bad thing to help him keep his pants up!)
Month: April 2013
More gone than there!
Strep AGAIN.
developing the LOVE for books…
caught this cutie, (she didn’t know I was there) ‘reading’ her book on Elliot’s bed, when she was supposed to be cleaning…..
But how can you get upset when she ‘reads’ so cute?!?!
Monday’s are hard on all of us!
Especially the two littles,
I hate when I can’t decide what shoes to wear! 🙂
because often, they really miss their daddy.
Especially this little girl:
And again! The following Monday
(Don’t mind the hot cocoa face! 🙂 )
Toph should NEVER feel unloved, with so many people missing him on Monday’s! 🙂
Spring Cleaning
This fall was crazy for us. So, we didn’t get all the leafs up before the first snow came! So that means, come Spring, there is still thousands of leaves in our yard!!
I spent over well over 40 hours, on less than half of the backyard, and I still have TONS left to do, but it was fun to be outside, as the kids played and played and played in the sandbox. Especially the little kiddos.
And here is Tucker and friend Andy, planting our bean tee-pee.
Just getting me excited for the summer months!
School Lunch
For a few weeks, Tucker has been asking me to come to lunch. It finally worked out, with our schedules, that we didn’t have anything, Hurrah! It is almost as exciting for them as it is for me, to see that my boys still enjoy my presence, and are excited to see me!
It was pizza day, and delicious! 🙂
Everyone was happy that day, and I love that Tucker and Truman’s lunches still overlap, so we can all be together. I need to try to do this more often, because it was wonderful.
St. Patricks day and blessing Lily…
Happy Birthday Tru! (Evening)
Off to Logan we went, where the remainder of the day was spent PLAYING with cousins and family!
Of course, Truman wanted to play Soccer:
Grandma and the Evelyn cousins had made an awesome pokemon/Pikachu cake for Tru:
Happy Birthday Singing!
Then we went for a little birthday walk, the kids wanted to take grandpas lawnmower trailer:
So funny:
And then off to Walmart Tru and cousin Owen went to do a little birthday shopping, and a little silly-ness:
Happiest Birthday Truman Ross! So glad you are 8, and grateful for these last 8 years in our lives. We LOVE YOU!