Can be crazy, trying to get everyone to bed, they’re tired, and often times, I’m tired too. But do you know what makes me feel better?
Seeing these cuties in their footsie jammies sliding down the stairs! I am a lucky mama.
Occasionally we have a Sunday not full of meetings, and running, and this was one of them.
This Sunday was one of them! 🙂 So the boys were thrilled to know we had time for a Science Experiment, (we got a present at Christmas from Aunt JoAnna, full of AWESOME experiments) This day we were making Elephant’s Toothpaste:
And some pics, they played and played and dyed and mixed, and stirred and experimented for quite awhile afterwords. 🙂
We love our Present, thanks Aunt JoAnna!
A whole week where he gets spotlighted at school!
Monday: Poster about TRUMAN
Tuesday: 6 things in a bag to describe himself:
– Pokemon Cards (because he loves to collect them)
– A picture he drew of a soccer ball (because he loves soccer and drawing)
– A piece of yarn (because he is learning how to loom)
– A candy (Because he LOVES candy)
– A gameboy game (Because he loves screen time)
– A Hardy Boys Book (His favorite series to read, and he loves to read them with his dad)
Wednesday: Show n tell, we brought over his dog Scout
Thursday: Read a picture book to Class, he chose Interrupting Chicken. Here is part of the story, while he was practicing:
Friday: Bring a treat-Of course, it was Sour Watermelons. 🙂
Such a great kid, and grateful for any chance we have to celebrate HIM!
After cleaning the church on Saturday Mornings, our tradition is doughnuts!
And we enjoy them!
Every single one of us! 🙂