We got the book, No David No, from the Library.
Elliot read it so much, that he mostly memorized it, and his darling cute voice made me so happy….
Love. Love. Love. his cute face.
We got the book, No David No, from the Library.
Elliot read it so much, that he mostly memorized it, and his darling cute voice made me so happy….
Love. Love. Love. his cute face.
An Afternoon Stroll…to a stream!
And Sunday Afternoon Randomness…
I love a good playdate, and it’s crazy to me when I see how ‘grown up’ they are!
So grateful to live in a community that values places where we can gather as a family and community.
Yummy picnic, fun playground and splashing. I was too busy to get pictures of the playing part, but got some food shots! 🙂
I stayed at home with our sick little girl, whilst Toph took the boys hiking.
I don’t know much about this hike other than Elliot LOVES waterfalls, and hiking to waterfalls, and was so thrilled to be part of it! And also that they all a waterfall shower. 🙂
Elliot loves to trace himself, and make them into ‘draw people’, I love this way to connect with him, and see his creativity shining out!
Any day that their is Chalk left out on the driveway, he can be out coloring! So, so, so cute!
Tuck and Tru read their time/books, and earned free books! They were thrilled, but after a week of swimming lessons and fun stuff, they were tired! You can see it in their faces… Perfect thing to have on a afternoon to relax!
Truman got a Lego Hero Factory
And Tucker a Science Fiction Book, called the Underworlds, the Battle Begins!
And the boys did come home and spent the afternoon curled up with a good book.
(In my opinion this is one of the best ways to spend summer! In a good book!)
Our Color Me Mine Creations that is…
Tucker and Elliot were thrilled with theirs, And Lorelei loves eating off her plate. 🙂
(And on a side note, Elliot did not let it go for a few hours, and when he finally put it down, it fell on cement and chipped off a part of the tail…Thank Heavens for Crazy Glue!)
to lull you right to sleep!