
Best Place in the world with the Best People in the world….

Since Spring Break was a ROYAL FLOP, with me being sick and all, I asked the boys what one thing they wanted to do, and their immediate response was, ‘THE CABIN with the GREAT HUNSAKERS!’

With boys having substitute teachers on that Friday (and a clear schedule for everyone else!), we decided that would be a great time to get away. So away we went for 24 hours of good times with the Great Hunsakers.

How Blessed we all are to have them in our lives, that my boys really know them, and talk about them, and love to be with them.

The boys spent a majority of the time outside, and ‘helping’ grandpa.

Me and the little’s spent a lot of time on walks, and talking to my wonderful Grandma!
I wish I could freeze time, and stay forever with my little ones and my amazing Grandparents. They are such great, great people.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a perfectly wonderful weekend.

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