How I love this sweet boy.
Everyday he comes home with a paper like this:
Apparently, after he gets his work done in class he has free time, and he gets to do a ‘free activity’, and the one he chooses EVERY SINGLE DAY!
It’s a list of all of his friends in his class. Every day the list comes home, with the boys and his friends first, and then the girls. Somedays he doesn’t get to the girls name. And it’s funny to see that a girl named Daisy, is always at the end. He has informed me, that he DOES NOT like that girl, because she always makes her table late, and that drives Truman crazy. ha!
And we went to parent teacher conferences, we got this note:
He is scholar student, and a good friend. What a positive thing!
And a little puzzle project from this same week, he was very proud of this puzzle he’d created…
a skull.
How we love this little boy!