
My New Parenting Thoughts…

We’ve spent quite a bit of time in Doctor’s Offices/Hospitals lately, providing me time to wait, and also do a little reading.

I have been carrying a book around in my purse for about 1.5 years, and recently I finally got to reading it, (seems like before the book was read the (first few pages), and then a couple of months go by, and I’d pick it up again, and couldn’t remember everything that I read, so I would re-read, and then that cycle would continue!)… So, now, I am recording A few of the ‘gems’ I want to remember:

The reminder that ‘It takes a long, long time to grow.’ (how often do I want my kids to learn and adjust quickly, when in reality it takes time!)

I really liked this quote:

and then this from the Ensign, from Elder Faust:
“In my opinion, the teaching, rearing, and training of children requires more intelligence, intuitive understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance and hard work than only other challenge we might have in a life.”
Grateful for the acknowledgement from a man of God, that parenting is indeed a ‘challenge’ sometimes. 🙂

Nothing profound, but important for me to learn and rediscover.

(NOTE: Pictures are from a few Sunday’s ago, when Toph returned early from meetings…therefore allowing for a few extra minutes before the ‘rush’ out the door for church! Yes, Truman does have a black eye. He ran into someone at the school dance…. And Elliot finally got a big boy haircut…Yeah, it doubled his age.)