A few random pics and video from the Thanksgiving break with the Phillips Fam….
One night Toph took the kids geo-caching in the cold, cold weather. Here is Em and Elliot (he’s wearing my hat)
We celebrated Lorelei’s birthday in Logan, and she got a baby doll stroller. She was pretty excited about it!
And one night Toph stayed up late playing Wii Bowling with Patrick and Paul, and they totally totally WON him. I could hear them out there giggling and laughing and having a great time. Here are a few great movies Toph got of Patrick and Paul, (in one of them, they are being the guys from the Muppets who sit up in the balcony). What great guys.
And a great Thanksgiving Break.
One reply on “Thanksgiving Break: Family Time”
Patrick and I just looked at everything above. You got us both teared up but especially Grandpa. We are all truly blessed.