Yearly, we try to make the trek the the festival of trees, a fundraiser for our local Primary Children’s Hospital. We’ve always loved going to see the trees, a great way to kick off the season, and start all the excitement, but this year, it was an even more tender experience, and meant more to me, than I think I could express here on my blog. I hesitated trying to record it, as I don’t know if I can adequately or appropriately express my feelings.
But after much thought, I couldn’t not post about it.
It all began as we began planning out our busy week. And it just so happened that, coincidentally we had planned to make our yearly pilgrimage to the festival, exactly one year (to the day) from this:
(For more information, You can read about it here)
That morning, during my daily planning process, I realized what day it was.
And then, I realized how much had changed in this year, and remembered and prayed and thought our experiences with Lorelei’s heart, I was filled with immense gratitude for the life I live. Gratitude for everything I love. The beautiful joys of being a mother, and a wife, and the blessing of our trials and our children. I was grateful for a Tender Mercy in our behalf.
Later that afternoon, Christopher, shared (again) this video with me:
I’d seen it before, but this day, it again brought on a special meaning of gratitude, and inspiration.
So that afternoon, we attended the festival, made crafts and happily sat on Santa’s lap (Well, everyone but Lorelei was happy 🙂 )
And my heart was full of memories and tender gratitude, and reminders of how blessed I am.
3 replies on “Tender Mercies, and how different this year…”
I too am grateful for His tender mercies. Thank you for your uplifting blog.
So very true and always important to remember. I also love how she has the same pacifier in now as she did when she was so little, how fast they grow!
What a touching video. Those moments of feeling gratitude are such a blessing.