
Thanksgiving Break: Black FRIDAY

Did a little Santa Shopping, with my mom-in-law, and sister-in-law(s)
Not the best picture (Stolen from Cat), BUT great memories.

Just for memory sake, the schedule:
(correct me if I’m wrong ladies)
Thanksgiving, had a beautiful feast, then time to study the ads!
Thursday Evening
9:00 PM Roberts Craft
10:00 PM Walmart
12:00 Shopko, home, then Shopko again (and the cry for ethics and equality! onto of a wall)
5:00 AM Smiths Marketplace
6:00 AM JoAnn’s Fabric
8:00 AM returned to bed for a couple hours of catch up sleep.

2 replies on “Thanksgiving Break: Black FRIDAY”

wow i am sad that i miss it 🙂
I like the cry for equality.
I think the only correction is that you went to Michael’s not Roberts 🙂
Love you

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