One thing I love about our school, is the opportunities that are offered to moms and parents, to be part of our children’s education.
I am grateful for my life, for my hard working husband and his job, so that I CAN go and volunteer regularly in the kids classrooms. There is a lot of class parties, reading books, and MONDAY FOLDERS.
Each Monday, we go and stuff folders with the flyers/papers/homework to be sent home for that week. I load Elliot and Lorelei in the double stroller and walk over to the school, and spend about 1.5 hours there.
Elliot and Lorelei are CHAMPIONS. They almost always sit quietly and talk to me while I do it, playing eye spy, or eating goldfish crackers. It is busy work stuffing folders, handing crackers and eye-spying. And it’s just wonderful.
I love the opportunity it gives me to touch base with their teachers, get to see how the classroom works, watch out for those bully kids, and understand their curriculum. I am grateful that all though I am not part of their classroom setting, I can be a fly on the wall and watch what is happening.
Another reason why I love this life I have.