Some time I get one track mind.
Meaning, SOMETIMES (Wink, wink) I have a project I want to get done, and it stews in the back of my mind for months… because let’s be honest… Its hard to squeeze those ‘extra’ projects in when you have 4 little cute faces running around who need their mom’s love and attention.
So when those rare days appear on the calendar with out shuttling, laundry catching up-ing, or whatever there may be, I may-ish, probably turn into a CRAZY project getting done lady.
Like, maybe, going to the hardware store, and buying supplies for the latest project, only to realize, it might be a tight squeeze in the car to get them home. But being a little bit crazy project obsessed, shuffle the two kids and their car seats around, and SHOVE-ING with all my might to get the wood in….then driving home with it sticking out a foot from the back of my car, and a red shirt hap-hazard-ious-ly draped on the back, wood almost touching my children’s head, with the tailgate up and the hazards
Well, I do think the first step of going crazy, is realizing there is a problem…and I know I’m going crazy, so at least I can admit it….right?
2 replies on “I am THAT crazy lady.”
Love it! Can’t wait to see what your project becomes, looks fun!
LOL You’re awesome!