Tucker with his fellow scouts, singing and performing Christmas songs at a local care center.
Afterwords we took around decorations that they had made previously, and talked to the residents. They did such a great job. I was so proud of them, for not being afraid, and being so outgoing!
I remember a few years ago when Toph and I were the Bear and Wolf scout leaders. It is a lot of work, and I am grateful for the scouting program,and great scout leaders Tucker has!
After his afternoon Snack of Nutella Bread and milk, Elliot declared he was Santa, ’cause I have a beard and eat good food’.
What a little sweetie.
Yearly, we try to make the trek the the festival of trees, a fundraiser for our local Primary Children’s Hospital. We’ve always loved going to see the trees, a great way to kick off the season, and start all the excitement, but this year, it was an even more tender experience, and meant more to me, than I think I could express here on my blog. I hesitated trying to record it, as I don’t know if I can adequately or appropriately express my feelings.
But after much thought, I couldn’t not post about it.
It all began as we began planning out our busy week. And it just so happened that, coincidentally we had planned to make our yearly pilgrimage to the festival, exactly one year (to the day) from this:
(For more information, You can read about it here)
That morning, during my daily planning process, I realized what day it was.
And then, I realized how much had changed in this year, and remembered and prayed and thought our experiences with Lorelei’s heart, I was filled with immense gratitude for the life I live. Gratitude for everything I love. The beautiful joys of being a mother, and a wife, and the blessing of our trials and our children. I was grateful for a Tender Mercy in our behalf.
Later that afternoon, Christopher, shared (again) this video with me:
I’d seen it before, but this day, it again brought on a special meaning of gratitude, and inspiration.
So that afternoon, we attended the festival, made crafts and happily sat on Santa’s lap (Well, everyone but Lorelei was happy 🙂 )
And my heart was full of memories and tender gratitude, and reminders of how blessed I am.
For his Spirit of Adventure!
Tucker got honored, and selected to be recognized at his school’s Stand and Shout Ceremony.
He truly is an outstanding young man, who does have a big spirit of adventure!
So proud of you Tuck!
Love you!
They set up the downstairs tree, (the kids tree, as they call it)
The train is making big loops around, it has lego men and lego creations as ornaments.
I love to see them having ownership in things, and I love to see them working together to accomplish their goals, so fun to enjoy this season together as a family.
A few random pics and video from the Thanksgiving break with the Phillips Fam….
One night Toph took the kids geo-caching in the cold, cold weather. Here is Em and Elliot (he’s wearing my hat)
We celebrated Lorelei’s birthday in Logan, and she got a baby doll stroller. She was pretty excited about it!
And one night Toph stayed up late playing Wii Bowling with Patrick and Paul, and they totally totally WON him. I could hear them out there giggling and laughing and having a great time. Here are a few great movies Toph got of Patrick and Paul, (in one of them, they are being the guys from the Muppets who sit up in the balcony). What great guys.
The Phillips family stayed pretty close to home this year, with a few trips up to Idaho, a trip to St. George and fun week in a cabin at Lake Palisade State Park. Our favorite new family tradition is Saturday pizza and movie nights where we have consumed copious amounts of both pizza and “Phineas and Ferb”. All three boys love playing Legos together and Lorelei joins in whenever she can sneak one into her mouth. Emily has a personal motto this year of “Come what may and love it” and has helped all of us to love the life we live.
Our great big 3rd grader, Tuck was baptized this year and still loves reading and wrestling and has added piano, scouts and frisbee to his list of favorite things to do. He fearlessly leads his younger brothers in both mischief and helpfulness. Emily regularly conks him (softly) on the head to try and keep him from growing up so fast. Unfortunately, Tucker is determined to do anything he puts his mind to and he is working on grow up just as quickly as he can.
The best thing about going from kindergarten to first grade for Truman is that he now gets to have lunch every day in the school cafeteria and has an extra recess, does life get any better than that? Tru loves school, wresting, playing with his friends and anything with a ball. His 6 year old body is full of so many emotions that they don’t always quite fit inside his heart, we never have to wonder if Truman is feeling happy (or other emotions!).
No little sister could ask for a better best friend than Elliot is to Lorelei. He is a quick study as he watches his older brothers and has been especially adept at understanding how much they love potty humor, especially from a 2 year old. Elliot loves his “Mom and Me” class, Squinkies, nursery and making people laugh.
Our baby girl Lorelei is 100% sugar and spice, but tough enough to endure even the strongest hugs/maulings her brothers can dish out. She hasn’t really felt any need to walk yet as any of her brothers are quick to retrieve anything she needs at the slightest wimper. Fortunately she is not old enough to let her Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Princess crown go to her head and Emily has promised that will be her last pageant we ever enter her in.
The tradition continues, finding our happy little Christmas Tree!
Cat and Lorelei had matching hats
Lorelei and Elliot were strapped to Toph and I, and had a great time.
Tucker and Truman are like little mountain men. With a little encouragement, they hiked the mountain and the snow.
Elliot was so happy, to be climbing the snowy, snowy, mountain:
We found our tree.
Tuck and Tru took turns sawing,
and down the mountain we came.
A grand adventure, that’s for sure 🙂
Did a little Santa Shopping, with my mom-in-law, and sister-in-law(s)
Not the best picture (Stolen from Cat), BUT great memories.
Just for memory sake, the schedule:
(correct me if I’m wrong ladies)
Thanksgiving, had a beautiful feast, then time to study the ads!
Thursday Evening
9:00 PM Roberts Craft
10:00 PM Walmart
12:00 Shopko, home, then Shopko again (and the cry for ethics and equality! onto of a wall)
5:00 AM Smiths Marketplace
6:00 AM JoAnn’s Fabric
8:00 AM returned to bed for a couple hours of catch up sleep.
Things I love:
Fall colors, and the color combinations! (Look at Lorelei’s cute baby legs!)
Decorating the windows with our hand turkeys.
Elliot won this Turkey Spam at pack meeting, and was THRILLED. He slept with it for a few days, and carried it around with him, as well, until Christopher convinced him to let the boys eat it for breakfast one morning with scrambled eggs.
Being Grateful, including this sweet book by Tru: