At the open house, the day before the first day of school, doing the school art project:
The obligatory pictures on the steps,
I wasn’t able to get to Tru and Tuck’s classroom in time, I got Tru’s pic, but missed Tuck 🙁 Next year, I’ll know to leave a few minutes earlier!
And as soon as the kids were home from school, it was so funny to see them all ‘clump up’ They spent the next hour to hour and a half, all in the same spot. So fun to see them all wanting to be together.
Sure love these kiddos!
Month: November 2011
Back to School Pictures 2011!
Tucker, entering 3rd grade, the thing that he’s most excited about? Being able to see friends and the library!
Truman, entering 1st grade, the thing he’s most excited about? Eating lunch at school!
Elliot, entering ‘mom and me’ class (and who wanted NOTHING to do with pictures being taken this day, and hid in the kitchen to avoid the camera! I took a few, and I thought to myself, I’ll just snap a few tomorrow, when we’re in better spirits’, and I totally forgot! Oh well! Capturing the moment right? 🙂 )
Lorelei, entering ‘Watch out World, I’m cute’ class or, maybe ‘Elliot has realized I’m the only one left around to play with’ class 🙂
Last Summer Daddy Lunch
And it wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the top of Dad’s work:
We live in a beautiful place! And we’re lucky to have a dad who doesn’t mind our crazy antics as we visited him this summer!
School was getting ready to start back up, and Toph was out of town, I wanted to take the kids to do something fun, but it had to be ‘do-able’ with me alone and four kids. I was thrilled when they choose Black Light Mini-golf. We had a lot of fun, Tucker and Truman really got into the game, and I spent most the time following Elliot around, as he just ‘putted’ the ball around each green, and then climbed up to the obstacles and stick his ball down the hole! 🙂 We finished up the morning with Dippin’ Dots. You can never go wrong with those! And Lorelei slept thru it all in the Bjorn. So much fun, but sad to see the summer coming to an end!
Lorelei’s Moving
Mid-July, it started, she started crawling!
This video was taken’ the beginning of August, she’s killing me with her roll polly ness! 🙂
And here she is (video taken the next day) practicing stepping, it’s hard to see in this video, but she’s quite the ‘high stepper’, she looks like she’s prancing!
And another random pic of Gramps and Lorelei one Sunday dinner, so funny!