Elliot loves my phone, and on occasions, asks me to make a movie…here’s another one, nothing big or splendid but a happy memory.
Month: November 2011
Mom ‘n’ Me Class
This year, Elliot and I are taking a class together, and having a great time!
It’s a combination story time, cooking class, and art class. (with a little social skills, and curriculum thrown in there).
Here’s a video from the halloween party:
And here’s a clip we made for Toph:
I love watching this sweet little boy learn and grow
Melt my little heart…
One of the things that melts my heart the most is seeing my kids helping and loving each other…
Love this video, and that Elliot is trying to help Lorelei with her lion walker over the vacuum cord (I stopped mid vacuum to video 🙂 )
Bottling Season
It was a great fall, and due to a surplus of Tomatoes from the Great Hunsakers, we bottled more than ever!
This year, I made applesauce, apple juice, tomatoes, salsa, and grape juice, raspberry jam, and peaches and pears.
With our growing family, I bottled more than ever, and our kitchen was busier, stickier and messier than ever! But I am very grateful for the abundance we have, and the knowledge we have to preserve this!
Very, very random pictures:
Beautiful Salsa:
Trash Can full of apple peels:
Lorelei’s happy place to sit, with a table full behind her:
Some of the beautiful Hunsaker Tomatoes:
RS General Broadcast
Thanks to my sweetheart, my momma and I were able to attend women’s conference.
It was a wonderful evening of great instruction,
It was great to hear beautiful words from our priesthood leaders.
and afterwords some yummy fish and chips.
Thanks Momma!
Independence is approaching…
Truman is loving first grade, and something he loves? Being able to write and read independently.
He loves it. Here’s a cute story from the class ‘ouch’ book.
So proud of how hard he works, and the beautiful stories being created.
Belief in self–
Since we began mom n me class, Elliot believes he’s a world class chef.
Anytime I cook/bake he’s right there wanting to help! This Sunday afternoon was no exception!
And I’m not going to complain about that!
But, this little incident, made me stop and think…how often do we really believe in our selves, and gain that confidence, and how can I help my kids keep that. Something I am watching, and trying to be more aware of…I want my children to be confident in themselves.
Watermelon-y Goodness
Looks like Truman’s not the only one who LOVES watermelon!
Although truth be told, he did eat over half of it by himself! Yummy, Yummy Breakfast!
Thanks for growing us a watermelon Grandma and Grandpa Phillips!
Silly, sweetheart
In the process of buying/selling our new computer, I saw Toph eating his cereal, and watching a football game on his little work laptop.
If I were him, I’d totally choose that itty bitty little screen, when I have two huge computers are either side, how about you?
Ha, Ha, Ha.
Love you sweets.
The big boys were at school, Lorelei would nap, and Elliot would spend about an hour doing this:
It’s amazing what water can do! It was great distractor, until the temperatures starting dropping. 🙂